Habitat & Wildlife

The Nature of Wombat Bend

A sanctuary for birds, possums, frogs
and other treasures


When you holiday at Wombat Bend you’ll be sharing the 5 acres of wildlife habitat with a great many other guests – the majority of whom live on or near the billabong (Wiradjuri ‘bilabang’).

Native Animals
Plant varieties

Hundreds of birds and native animals call Wombat Bend home and when you visit you’ll have the opportunity to see and hear whoever is ‘in residence’ at that time. Our bush birds live here year round and will enthral you with their antics and confidence. Other species arrive seasonally and you’ll only see them if your dates coincide. Waterfowl and waders are permanent residents and will engage your attention at all hours of the day.

Whether or not you consider yourself a bird lover, you’ll find yourself reaching for the binoculars (you’ll find some in the cottage) as the shady trees & shrubbery surrounding the billabong house many of our songsters, and during nesting season we can point out to you where to look to see the young.

* indicate the birds most commonly seen around Wombat Bend at all times of the year
** indicate seasonal or migratory visitors.

Ground & Tree Dwellers

Birds of Prey

Brown Goshawk
Wedge tailed Eagle*


Fan tailed
Horsfield’s Bronze

Fly Catchers

Jacky Winter
Willy Wagtail*
Restless Flycatcher (Scissors Grinder)
Grey Fantail*


Eastern Spinebill*
New Holland*
Red Wattlebird*
Bell Miner
Noisy Miner


Laughing Kookaburra*
Sacred Kingfisher*

Magpies & Ravens

White-backed Magpie*
Pied Currawong*
Australian Raven*
Little Raven
Pied Butcherbird*

Mud nest builders

White-wing Chough

Night Hunters

Barn Owl
Southern Boobook Owl
Tawny Frogmouth (insects)*
Nankeen Night Herron
Cuckoo-shrikes & Trillers
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
White-winged Triller

Parrots & Cockatoos

Corella Long-billed*
Corella Little*
Crimson Rosella*
Eastern Rosella*
Gang Gang Cockatoo*
King Parrot*
Musk Lorikeet (rare)*
Rainbow Lorikeet*
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo*
Yellow-tailed Cockatoo*


Common Bronzewing*
Peaceful Dove



Shrike-thrush / Thrush

Grey Shrike-thrush
Scaly Thrush


Welcome Swallow*
Fairy Martin
Dusky Wood Swallow*


Superb Blue Wren*
White-browed Scrubwren*

Reed & Grass Dwellers

Whistlers & Shrike-tits

Golden Whistler
Rufous Whistler
Crested Shrike-tit


Australian Reed Warbler
Buff-rumped Thornbill*
Firetail Finch*
Little Grassbird
Mistletoe Bird
Striated Pardalote
Striated Thornbill
Stubble Quail
Rufous Songlark

Water & Wading Birds


Australian Shellduck (Mountain Duck)
Hardhead (White-eyed)*
Pacific Black*
Teal Chestnut**
Teal Gargeney (rare)**
Teal Grey**
Wood (Maned)*

Waders, Floaters & Wanderers

Australian Crake**
Australian Darter **
Australian Pelican**
Black Swan**
Black-tailed Native-hen**
Cormorant Great**
Cormorant Little Black*
Cormorant Pied*
Dusky Moorhen*
Eastern Swamphen*
Egret Cattle*
Egret Great*
Egret Little*
Eurasian Coot*
Grebe Australasian*
Heron White-faced*
Heron White-necked*
Ibis Sacred*
Ibis Straw-necked*
Latham’s Snipe**
Lewin’s Rail (rare)**
Heron Nankeen Night*
Plover Banded*
Plover Masked*
Red-kneed Dotterel**
Spoonbill Yellow*

Most of our native animals are nocturnal and come out to play between dusk and dawn; wombats trundle purposefully through the property, ringtail and brushtail possums scamper from tree to tree on their way somewhere, and if you glimpse a tiny square of fur soaring through the night sky, you’ll know you’ve just met one of our sugar gliders.

Native Animals

Commonly Seen

Grey Kangaroo
Swamp Wallaby
Bare-nosed Wombat
Brush-tailed Possum
Ringtail Possum
Sugar Glider

Less Commonly Seen

Bush Rat (Native Rat)
Spotted Quoll


Butterflies & moths
Turtles &tortoises
and numerous other creatures


Brown Snake
Copperhead Snake
Tiger Snake
Red bellied Black Snake

The sounds of the bush at night are wonderful if you’re unfamiliar with them: the crickets and cicadas and frogs in summer, and the glorious warbling of magpies in winter on a clear moonlit night are unforgettable. We have a spotlight that picks out these delightful characters so let us know if you’re keen to do a bit of night spotting. We’re always happy to help you meet the wildlife during your stay.


When you come to stay you’ll find areas of Wombat Bend have been planted with selected species of small eucalypts, acacias and a range of banksias, callistemons, grevilleas and hakeas, under trial for future horticultural use.

Along the edge of the billabong, rushes and reeds (mainly Juncus ingens and Triglochin procera) provide specialised habitat for nesting and feeding for many waterbirds, particularly coots and moorhens.

A densely planted island in the billabong provides safe habitat for a number of birds, particularly breeding moorhens and coots. Woodland walks around the billabong offer varied bird habitat, with a number of shady spots for a bit of time out.

Whatever time of year you visit, let yourself be absorbed by the natural world at Wombat Bend and feel your soul start to slowly recharge, as the gentle rhythm of life by the billabong washes over you.

** Photography Acknowledgement: Selected images throughout the site courtesy of: John Murray; Joy Ruffeski; Barbara Wall.

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