The Burrow at Wombat Bend – a Sanctuary for Life

As horticulturalists we have both worked closely with Australian plants and wildlife throughout our careers and this love of the environment and natural history laid the foundation for our home, and dream – Wombat Bend.
We are often asked for the story of Wombat Bend and people are intrigued to learn that when we bought it in the 70s it was nothing but a treeless cow paddock. Guests cannot believe that the majestic trees they are standing beneath are not 100 or more years old. We love sharing the story with our guests of how we nurtured Wombat Bend from a degraded pasture to a thriving ecosystem and haven for wildlife.
Read more about Sue & Bill’s story. And the best part? You get to share in it. Read more here, or better still come and call it home for few days.